

Organiser picks new date for Offshore West Africa forum

Managing Director, PennWell International, Glenn Ensor

Pennwell Corporation, owners and producers of the yearly Offshore West Africa Conference & Exhibition, have announced a change in date for its 21st edition of this premier event.
The new 2017 date has been set for 6 to 8 June 2017, moving from the originally planned January date.Managing Director, PennWell International, Glenn Ensor, in a statement on Monday, attributed the change in date to a number of factors, most pressingly, the current economic climate facing the oil and gas industry.

According to him, this change of date will enable the company’s many loyal exhibitors, speakers, sponsors and attendees to benefit further from the event as these economic factors become more manageable.

He said that the Offshore West Africa event has over the past years become the premier event for the oil and gas industry within the West African region.
Offshore West Africa 2016, which also took place in Lagos in January, comprised a three‐day Exhibition of both prominent local and international organizations, a dual‐track conference programme and a successful Youth Empowerment Programme (in collaboration with Lonadek and the Energy Institute Nigeria), and played host to a record‐breaking attendance for the 2nd year in succession. With over 2,700 visitors and delegates from more than 40 countries around the world.
Glenn Ensor added: “We are extremely pleased that Offshore West Africa 2017 has been granted Trade Fair Certification from the U.S. Department of Commerce, and as such been enabled to organize a U.S. Pavilion for a variety of U.S. Exhibitors to showcase their industry innovations, technologies, products and services to the West African Oil & Gas marketplace.

“The event has been so wonderfully welcomed here in Lagos, and this new addition to our event is greatly received, for which we thank the U.S. Department of Commerce. We invite you all to join us at our 2017 edition in June for what we believe will be another great event for all concerned. ”

This exciting new addition to the Offshore West Africa event is one of many new initiatives from PennWell for the 2017 event, including further Corporate Social Responsibility Plans, additional exhibition pavilions and other new ventures which will enhance the experience of attending this event as either an exhibitor, speaker, delegate or visitor.

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